
lunedì 10 marzo 2025

Card Peonie

Ciao amici creativi oggi condivido la mia nuova ispirazione DT per la sfida #332 di Dream Valley Challenge, il tema è aggiungi un po' di lucentezza. Ho creato una card con la polvere oro per dare luce e brillantezza, da regalare alla mia amica Laura.

Un biglietto semplice ma di grande impatto con la tecnica dell'embossing a caldo, ho timbrato i fiori con il tampone poi ho messo la polvere oro di Artemio e riscaldato con l' embosser (pistola ad aria calda) per ottenere il disegno del fiore in rilievo e luccicante. 

Con la stessa tecnica ho realizzato la frase posta al centro, stampata su cartoncino bianco e mattata con cartoncino a righe oro, infine incollata con adesivo spessorato. I punti luce sono dati anche dalle gocce di Drops Crystal Nuvo nei colori oro e bianco perlato

Il timbro dei fiori e la frase fanno parte del set Peony Blooms di Newton's Nook Designs è un regalo ricevuto nel 2024 da Holley's Blog direttamente dal Canada. Vi lascio la foto.
Come ogni biglietto che si rispetti ha la sua busta abbinata, sulla quale ho incollato un cuoricino di cartoncino metallizzato e con la penna gel bianca ho disegnato una greca irregolare.

Con questa card partecipo alle seguenti sfide:
Wednesday’sCreative Inspirations Challenge    sfida Marzo tutto è concesso 
Penny’sPaper-Crafty Challenge Blog            #591 tutto va bene  
Pammie’sInky Pinkies challenge                   PIP 2510 tutto va bene   
-  Creative Crafting Uncles                        #62 Embossing      
- Lost Coast portal to creativity                challenge #195 Donna    
Beautiful Blossoms                sfida #26 tutto va bene con i fiori
We Love Stamping               sfida di Marzo Ciao Primavera  
The Four Seasons Challenge    Marzo 2025 – Stagione primaverile
Word Power Challenge          sfida Marzo 2025 tutto va bene focus timbri
Ellibelle’s Corner                  sfida di Marzo tutto è concesso   

21 commenti:

  1. Risposte

    1. Hi Beebeebabs thanks for the comment and for stopping by to visit my blog I am very pleased and I appreciate it a lot. I invite you to follow me to share so much creativity a hug Taty

  2. I bei rosa tenui e la goffratura dorata sembrano così eleganti, grazie mille per aver condiviso con noi la sfida We Love Stamping.

    B x

    1. Ciao Brenda grazie per il bellissimo commento e per il tempo che dedichi sempre al mio blog un abbraccio Taty

  3. Beautiful, the gold embossing really sets it off!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at Word Power and The Four Seasons!
    Diane WP, TFS Co-Owner
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Word Power}

    1. hi Diane thanks for the beautiful comment I'm happy. I appreciate the time you dedicated to my blog a hug Taty

  4. Such a pretty gold embossed creation. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely creation with us at We Love Stamping.


    1. Hi Cathy thanks for the beautiful comment and for the time dedicated to my blog, hugs Taty

  5. I love your words that you used : Simple but high impact. Yes!!! All the best cards are that way and you truly created an elegant card with just the right touches of shimmer and impeccable embellishments! I love it! Thank you for joining us at Beautiful Blossoms Challenge!

    1. hi Amanda wow a fantastic compliment full of warmth, your beautiful words envelop me like a hug thank you so much.
      I am happy with the time you have dedicated to my blog I appreciate it so much a hug Taty

  6. Such a lovely card, Taty. Thank you for sharing with us at The Four Seasons. We appreciate you very much. For another FUN challenge, please come play along at Word Art Wednesday for your chance to WIN fabulous prizes. We'd sure love to have you join us -

    1. Hi Karen, thank you for the beautiful comment full of warmth, friendship is like receiving your hug, it fills me with joy, come back to visit me.
      Thank you for the invitation to the blog, I am very pleased to participate, a hug Taty

  7. Beautiful - love the gold embossing.

    Thanks for joining us at the Beautiful Blossoms Challenge.

    Helen x

    1. Hi Helen thanks for the lovely comment and for the time you spent on my blog I really appreciate it a hug Taty

  8. Beautiful gold embossing, Thanks for inspiring us with your lovely card at The Beautiful Blossoms Challenge!
    Donna xx

    The Beautiful Blossoms Challenge

    The Paper Funday Challenge
    The Inspiration Station Challenge

    1. hi Donna thanks for the beautiful comment and for the time dedicated to my blog I appreciate it a lot a hug Taty

  9. Love the stunning gold embossing and how it adds a touch of luxury to the card!
    Thank you for joining us at Creative Inspirations! Jane (DT) Paper, Pencils & Pretty Things xxx

    1. Hi Jane, thanks for the beautiful comment, I'm so happy that the card is well received and liked by so many creative people, it makes me happy.
      Thanks for the time you spent on my blog, I really appreciate it, hugs Taty

  10. Such beautiful embossing and gorgeous delicate card!
    Thanks so much for joining in at my Crafty Wednesday challenge!

    PS: In case you missed it ... there is brand new monthly challenge on my blog - "Ellibelle's Garden Party" where always anything "Garden" goes. Hope you'll check it out sometime :)
    Ellibelle's Corner

    1. Hi Ellie I'm happy you like my card, thanks for the beautiful comment it's very rewarding to receive compliments. I'll come back to play with you alls challenges and thanks for the invitation to the new challenge. a hug Taty

  11. Fabulous embossing and lovely card!
    Thank you for sharing at We Love Stamping Challenge;-))m
